You searched for: “most restive
restive (adjective); more restive, most restive
1: Descriptive of someone who is uncontrollable, unruly, defiant, or unmanageable: Tom was characterized by his teacher as being restive because he was quarrelsome and stubborn in class and towards his classmates.
2. Pertaining to a horse which is unyielding, neither advancing nor moving backwards or sideways: David’s mare was evidently very restive, or very nervous, tense, and agitated, although he tried to sooth and comfort her.
Pertaining to being uneasy, resistant to discipline or instructions.
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Relating to being difficult to control because of impatience or nervousness.
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Word Entries at Get Words: “most restive
restive (RES tiv) (adjective), more restive, most restive
1. Relating to resisting control; difficult to control.
2. Characteristic of refusing to move, with reference to a horse or other animal.
This entry is located in the following unit: Misleading Meanings of English Words (page 2)